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Staart is a SaaS starter for your next big idea.

Written in TypeScript and Vue, Staart gives you a 6-month headstart in building your SaaS product. Free and open-source.

SaaS Billing

Subscriptions, credit cards, invoices, and more, powered by Stripe


Users can invite their teams and manage roles and permissions


Authentication, scoped API keys, and more ways to use your SaaS


Node.js backend written in TypeScript with a beautiful Vue PWA.

More than a basic template

Node.js/TypeScript Backend

Auto route generation with redirects and static file support.
OAuth2 client
Users can login with email, Apple, Google, Salesforce, etc.
Smart authentication
Secure, location-aware logins with TOTP 2FA support.
Developer API
Developers can use your SaaS with API keys and accesstokens.
GDPR compliance
Teams and users can export and delete data transparently.
Secure endpoints
Rate limiting, brute force prevention, and IP/CIDR whitelisting.
Modern toolkit
Powerful middleware, error handling, async functions.

Vue.js/Nuxt.js Frontend

Progressive Web App
Service worker-cached PWA frontend with a modern toolkit.
Lazy loaded routes
Smart loading of routes for a fast initial load.
Ready-to-use components
Beautiful forms, cards, dropdowns, and more components.
Static pages
SEO-proof static templates for pricing, policies, andmore.
Localize your SaaS to as many languages as you like.
ARIA, accessible tooltips, dark theme, reduced motion.
Deploy anywhere
Works perfectly on Netlify, Firebase, Surge, and GitHub pages.

Coming soon, powered by Staart

End-to-end web accessibility platform from Oswald Labs

Ara Assistant

AI-powered assistant for businesses and professionals from O15Y


Automated daily accessibility audits to find issues in your sites


Global CDN for delivering super-fast, optimized images to your sites